Promoting a New (or Old!) Service

Whether you’re trying to justify a new equipment purchase or you just want to increase your profit margins, most shop owners have a particular service they’d like to grow without wasting a fortune to market it. The good news is that the message matters more than the...

Building a Strong Shop Identity

Today’s customers are used to shopping around for everything.  To prevent a race to the bottom on prices, work hard to exceed your competitors in a way that really matters to your customers. Click here to learn how.  

Supporting Community Members in Need of Help

US unemployment exceeds 10%. Community involvement is always good for business, and if your business isn’t struggling right now it’s more important than ever to give back. Click here for some ways to help those in need. 

Meeting Customers Where They Are

Your customers are all bringing you the same thing – a vehicle in need of maintenance or repair. That doesn’t mean their circumstances aren’t all different, especially in this chaotic time.  The best way to provide great customer service is to figure out where a...

During Recessions, Focused Businesses Succeed

Auto repair shop owners who use recessions as an opportunity to master the basics put themselves in a position to survive the recession – and thrive in the years afterwards. Click here to learn about three important focus areas.  

Overcoming Customer Fear and Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

One-third of people recently described themselves as highly distressed during this COVID-19 Pandemic. To get a steady flow of vehicles into your auto repair shop, you’ll need to get past that fear and distress by reassuring potential customers and making them feel...

Three Actions to Take When Stay-at-Home Orders End

Your shop may have been open during the coronavirus pandemic, but most people were stuck at home for the last month or two. Many states are beginning to lift stay-at-home orders in May. Click here for information on how to build your car count as people begin to get...

Leads That Last a Lifetime

What’s the value of a new customer? It depends on the customer – but it also depends on the shop. Click here for ideas on how to turn jobs into recurring revenue without cutting away at your margins by handing out a coupon book.  

Independent Auto Repair Shop Owner Survey: Recruiting Technicians

The challenge of recruiting technicians in the auto repair industry has been well documented. We sought out to find what percentage of shops are recruiting techs and how short staffing is affecting their business. Click here to see our infographic that highlights what...