Does Anyone Know What Your Business Looks Like? – Repair Shop Websites

May 1, 2013

Do you have a website? Do you have some photos of your business on your website? If not, put them on there! Photo’s are one of the most shared things on the internet. A customer goes online, searches for auto repair services, and XYZ Repair Shop comes up in the search.  The customer clicks on the information and is directed to this awesome website.    The customer finds everything they are looking for – name, address, Hours of operation, and a phone number.  Unfortunately for the shop, one basic need is not met.  The customer has no visual.  Without a visual, they have no sense of bond or commitment.

That customer is on to the next website, which has little info and a nice photo of the shop and the staff.  They now have a visual relationship and are ready to commit to their new internet friend.  Don’t be a stranger, put a picture on your website!  Snap a photo with your Smartphone or camera and upload that to your website.  A new customer is a photo away from visiting your shop!

This is one thing you can do to help  your Auto Repair Shop Website run at maximum potential.  Don’t just have a website.  Help us make it work for you. If you aren’t comfortable or need more information, call 866 665 1605 for assistance.