Celebrate Earth Day By “Going Green”

Apr 6, 2016

When was the last time you celebrated Earth Day? Is your automotive repair shop involved in any activities that support a “greener” world? Consumers are starting to care even more about the environment. Earth Day is on April 22nd this year and we recommend that you try to “green up” your shop in 2016. How can you become more environmentally friendly?

Your automotive repair shop can “go green” by learning about your local environmental laws and then adopting some of those for your business, and making them routine business practices. Here are some examples of ways that your shop can “go green”:

  • Clean up your spills right away and use dry clean-up practices
  • Put recycling containers in your shop
  • Don’t use spray cans
  • Avoid using paper and instead use online records
  • Only purchase lights with low energy use

If your shop chooses to “go green,” make sure you call us at 866-665-1605 and we can work with you to update your website to show that your shop is environmentally friendly.