Repair Shop Advice

Carissa Explains It All! – Who Are Your Influencers?

November 21, 2014

Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by, I have a GREAT way to promote your business this month! Have you heard of the term “influencer?”

“Influencers” are merely people in your community who can say a good word about your business and what you have to offer and –inspire others to visit your shop.

As the popularity of “customer reviews” continues to grow, it’s important to stay ahead of the game. Ask someone whose opinion carries some weight to promote your business. Perhaps you know a politician, local celebrity, or a popular blogger in your area? Invite them over to your shop to meet you, the staff, and maybe offer them a complimentary service.  Once they know how AWESOME you are, they won’t be able to help but tell the world!

Marketing idea #763 brought to you by Repair Shop Websites – the company that cares. If you have questions about how to get customer reviews, contact us at 855-349-5289.