The New Consumer – Repair Shop Customer Behavior

Jun 5, 2013

How Do Your Customers Behave When Making a Purchase Decision?

The way mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa purchased services has drastically changed.  You almost wonder how they survived having to get product information and contact information via word of mouth, researching using a phone book, or driving from place to place.  Sounds so primitive in this instant gratification world!

Today’s consumer uses multiple platforms to access the same information.  The biggest difference is the New consumer has access to the same information and so much more in about 30 seconds.  The old consumer might have taken hours to gather information to buy.  The new consumer can research multiple places and brands whether local or from around the world in a few minutes.  The new consumer is well prepared and armed with the pros and cons of your product and if they aren’t, you don’t exist.

The internet is the center of the universe for today’s consumers.   Consumers can access the internet via desktop computers, laptops, tablets, TV, and phones.  Are you available?  Is your product relevant, searchable, and of interest?  Is your service portable, personal, and requiring consumer interaction?  If you say “NO” to any of these, you need to revamp your brand to meet the needs of the new consumer.  Join the social media network and get your name known.  Sign up for Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, and YouTube.

While the most basic trade or commerce continues to take place (exchange of goods/service for money), companies have to think outside the proverbial box to find ways to promote their service and attract younger consumers.  Standing by idly and saying everybody knows my business or all my customers are old customers is the fastest way to close your business   How you plan for the instant gratification crowd today is a great litmus test as to how many NEW Consumers use your services tomorrow.

If you are having a hard time getting your repair shop information on the internet, call us at 866 665 1605.  We have multiple solutions designed to help your budget while growing your business.

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