Is Your Facebook Page Like An Icy Cold Bare Land?

Jan 9, 2015

BRRRRRRR! It’s COLD out there! In fact, I just learned that it is below freezing in FLORIDA – 26 degrees right now!

GUESS how I learned that it was 26 degrees in Pensacola, FL!!!? Okay, I’ll tell you… FACEBOOK! Yup, I saw a post about it when I scrolled through my “News Feed”. You know what else I saw when I scrolled through my “News Feed”? I saw posts by and about businesses that I (or my friends) had “liked”.

Why am I telling you about this? Because if you aren’t already, you should be on this bandwagon… Facebook. You should be posting and reminding customers that you exist- because one day they will need your services. Maybe not today, but by reminding them that they are connected to a repair shop, when they need a mechanic – they’ll check their Facebook connections and call you!

If you have questions about this, we’d love to help you understand it more. Give us a call at 855-349-5289. We care about your business and want to see it thrive.