Google Launched Mobilegeddon 1 Year Ago – What Has Happened Since Then?

Apr 6, 2016

Last April Google announced that they will make non mobile-friendly websites disappear from the Google search. They warned that it wasn’t a joke and that you will lose business if you don’t get a mobile-friendly website. We wrote about this announcement and you can read more about here.

We aren’t here to warn you about this again, we’re here to talk about what has happened since Google announced their update. Going into this update a lot of people were calling this “Mobilegeddon.” This was because Google was so vocal about this update, scaring a lot of companies. But not us because we were prepared and had already created mobile-friendly websites for our customers. Doing this ensured that our customers would still be able to be found online. What has happened to the companies that didn’t get a mobile-friendly website? Did they lose their ranking?

According to Search Engine Land, one of the leaders in search engine news, “update [Mobilegeddon] impacted mobile SEO visibility, but desktop SEO visibility remained stable.” This means that if you don’t have a mobile-friendly website you dropped in the rankings on mobile devices, but not on the desktop. You might look at this and think, “It’s ok that I don’t have a mobile-friendly website because the update didn’t hurt me on desktop computers.” If so, you’re wrong!

You have to understand that your customers are using their mobile devices at least 50% of the time to look for your services. Having a mobile-optimized website leads to a better user experience, and not having one pretty much guarantees that you won’t make it on the first page on your customer’s device. How can they contact you or find you if they don’t know that you exist?

So, having a mobile-friendly website is a must have in a post-mobilegeddon world if you want  to gain repeat business and to grow your automotive repair shop. To learn more about mobile-friendly websites, please call us at 866-665-1605.